A poem for Goody Goody

Mahek Choudhary
1 min readSep 5, 2019

A teacher and a student,

Very responsible and prudent,

Sweet and nice,

Witty and wise,

I am talking about our very own GG!

Only in two months as a teacher,

She made her class dramatically better,

Now she is respected and adored,

In her company you never get bored.

Very strong and mature,

With a heart very pure,

Always eager to guide,

In her you can always confide.

She has capability beyond her years,

She plunges into the unknown without any fears,

Though she is not officially my teacher,

There is a great deal to learn from her.


You’ll make the world better; keep continuing this way!



Mahek Choudhary

Trying to be an author, an entrepreneur, an activist, a technology expert, a psychologist, a judge, a leader and a student i.e a teacher.